I had the joy of having a visual date with Mr. Anish Kapoor...
down by the harbour in Sydney
I originally planned this occasion as a 'me' date on my birthday...
having a drink in the Opera Bar with loads of buds and family ringing me kind of altered that plan
So the day before this exhibition was about to end I ventured back down to this delightful spot
and these are the notes I took...and the phone camera pics (pity about the quality)
but for me the experience made up for them
Ooh Mr. Anish, entering the first room in MCA there is a hollow sound!?!
but people are in good form so its filled with a delightment
"It's actually moving" someone says
Yes this waxy monstrosity, sooo luxurious, almost visceral fills and empty room to magnificent levels
A mini volcano?
He shows how Time moves, slowly, slower than the eye can capture...
Signs on the ground saying "Please do not touch" seem out if place
As it feels like a welcoming place, open to all
to all interpretations-oral, tactile...or so I would like to think
Yum! It is like walking into a bakers studio
"60 minutes to go around" says a kid
"What's the point?"
A man explains to his young child its just like candle wax
Moving so slowly, but smoothly there is comfort in being so close to the big metal structure as it slips by elegantly
A greenish tinge is evident on the metal - is this intentional to the complementary green to almost visually wimper in the presence of such an overwhelming red entity
I almost want to eat it
'20m, 25 tonnes of parrafin wax
Void Sculptures
explore negative space
openings and cavities
exploring what's known and what is seen...'